Friday, May 22, 2009


The idea of writing a Christian blog first occurred to me about a year ago when a fellow Christian gave me one of the most precious birthday gifts that I had ever received. I was given a copy of the book, David. This all-in-one book and journal, written by Christian author Beth Moore, chronicles the struggles and triumphs of King David. By using Beth Moore’s book and studying 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, I clearly learned how God often used discipline and pruning in an effort to help David literally see the Light. By studying the life of David, I was forced to revisit some of my own difficult struggles.

I found the journaling to be very cathartic, as I reviewed what spiritual progress I had made since December 2006. Each day as I wrote down my entry into the journal, I became increasingly aware of some areas in my life that needed more attention. Each day, I could feel myself growing, again, as a Christian.

A family member experienced a stroke occurring just days after my own serious accident. The surgeon informed me that my right hand would not ever look normal if I declined a complex surgical procedure. Furthermore, he believed that I would lose a great deal of movement and function in the affected hand if I elected not to have professionals to perform the healing.

Because of some serious medical conditions, I was advised by a cardiologist not to have the surgery. I was told that there was a chance that I could suffer ill effects or even death. Since I was not dealing with a life threatening injury, I was allowed the time to pray for a few days about the situation. Ultimately, I trusted God that he would see me through and I would accept the outcome. I fully realized that I could be left with a deformed, partially functioning hand. However, I was willing to accept the outcome.

Miraculously, with the help of a caring, brilliant orthopedic surgeon and an equally gifted, compassionate rehabilitation hand therapist, the affected hand, today, is extremely functional without any marked deformity. The hand therapist told me at one point that I must have had angels watching over me, as she had never seen such a miraculous healing occur, given the severity of the injury.

I knew, at the time, that my family and friends were praying for me. Indeed, I was blessed to have some special friends, and a caring pastor, who helped me through that period. I also know that God placed each of the special health professionals in my path. God was and is the master healer, and he used the prayers and selected professionals to perform the healing. As we know, after everything is said and done, God is always in control.

Up until 2006, my walk with Jesus was good, but not great. I had been a Christian years before 2006. However the series of events that occurred from early December 2006 through January 2007 literally transformed my spiritual relationship with God. Christ’s presence in my life became all encompassing.

In March 2007, I knew that I could no longer sit on the sidelines. The time had come for me to truly reach out and use whatever spiritual gifts God had given to me for the benefit of God’s kingdom. I was overwhelmed with the healing that God had performed in my life and the healing that was taking place with a member of my family.

I knew that I had to recommit myself to Christ. My next step was to take a spiritual inventory to learn what gifts I could give. In the Spring of 2007 after taking these steps, I began to reach out and be used in different ways. Mainly, God has used me behind the scenes in teaching settings. At times I have been used as a catalyst. I have also been given opportunities to share my faith, but God has chosen the time and the people.

My hope is that the information provided here will be helpful to parents and teachers who are searching for ways to inject their Christian faith into the reading, social studies, science, literature, art music and other curriculum for children.


  1. Heidi--

    Congratulations on the new blog. I look forward to following along with your thoughts about faith and ideas for incorporating it into our children's education.

    God bless you and this new endeavor! Sara

  2. Glad you are doing this. Will pray you can use this as a good outreach project. God bless you. Vicki
