Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall Forward in Faith

I can't believe that we will soon be embracing autumn. In my last blog entry, which was over a month ago, I mentioned that I had listened to a Bible lesson presented by Dr. Bill Creasy. At the time, I had intended to expound on his comments a bit. However, instead of revisiting that wonderful lesson, I have decided to take Abraham's journey of obedience, trust and faith in a slightly different direction.

Much has transpired in my personal life this past month. Life is certainly full of tests; however, how we handle these tests speaks volumes to others about our Christian character. Sometimes, it's easier to shrug off a mild disappoint. Then, there are the other, more difficult, tests that can't be casually dismissed. These other tests are more challenging and draining. When we experience multiple tests occurring almost simultaneously, we can be left feeling a bit overwhelmed. Yet, we know that we are never alone, because God is standing there right beside us.

Each test, big or small, requires us to be both objective and introspective, as we mentally think through a logical sequence of problem solving techniques. God wants us to use our grey matter Ah, but aren't we taught to first seek His guidance? Do we always do that? We know what we are supposed to do; however, sometimes, it's easier to make a hasty decision.

When we discover that we just can't think of an effective way to solve the problem, then, we lean heavily on God. Let's face it, we all experience areas in our spiritual development that require special attention; each of us knows where our vulnerabilities lie. God knows that it is easier for us to just make a decision based on impulse or intuition rather than praying for His guidance. However, this isn't the response He so desires. He isn't looking for us to take the easy path. God wants to be the center of our attention. He wants us to seek Him throughout the day, not just when our problems seem insurmountable.

As Christians, when faced with difficulties, we can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that God is aware of all of our needs. We can take refuge and grow closer to Christ by spending more time reading the Word and prayerfully communicating with Him. When we do this, we feel as though a big weight has been lifted from our shoulders. We discover that it becomes so much easier to turn to Him first when the big challenges or tests occur.

For an in depth discussion of Abraham's faith and its applications for living, please visit:

A Character Study Abraham: Climbing the Foothills of
Mount Moriah (Part i)

The Picture of God's Love Through Abraham (Part 2)

This two part article contains an outline and discussion of the various tests that Abraham endured. Plan some interesting Bible based lessons for teens or adults, using the text as your guide. Discussion questions will readily come to mind as you read through the article.

First, scroll down until you see "it is essential to understand what the word "test" means". The author of the article mentions that the word tested is first used in Genesis 22. As you read the commentary, follow along and read Genesis 12 - 21. Keep in mind a pivotal point that this author presents. ""Test" (tested—"nagah") means to try, or prove, or to be approved. God, knowing what Abraham was made of, intended to prove and approve him as good." Then, review the outline of tests that Abraham successfully completed before he climbed the foothills of Mount Moriah and bravely faced the ultimate test.

In July 2007, I had an opportunity to listen to Diane Wood present the entire Bible in six or seven sessions. At the time, I learned that in Genesis 22, we see the word love first introduced. In The Picture of God's Love Through Abraham (Part 2), the author underscores this point.

We clearly see in the scripture how Abraham demonstrates his faith through each of the tests. Each test had a specific purpose and served to prepare him for a huge challenge. When he was faced with the biggest test of his life, did he shy away or follow God's commandment? We all know the answer to this question. He was ready for the ultimate test because God had prepared him for it.

Dr. Creasy, Diane Wood, and the author of this two part lesson show that Abraham loved Isaac, just as God loves Jesus. Both Abraham and God anguished over sacrificing a son. God allowed a sacrificial offering to be used in place of Isaac; yet, Jesus, was the ultimate sacrificial lamb offering.

God shows His love for us over and over in each difficult test that we face. We, too, are rewarded by our faith and trust in Him. His blessings to us are many; we learn more about ourselves and our relationship with God through each difficulty we face.

Below, are some additional Bible lesson planning links for PreK - Grade 6:
Listen to actual Lesson for Children About Abraham

Children's Bible Study Lessons and Bible Story(Scroll Down Until You See the Free mp3, Coloring Pages and Resources for Lessons About Abraham

Abraham's Promise Family Picture Frame Craft

Abraham - Father of Many Nations Coloring Bible Study Handout

During the season of fall, continue to go forward in faith.

Until next time, may God continue to richly bless you.